SEACURE - Innovative solutions to prevent, reduce and remediate nutrient pollution along the landriver-sea system in the Mediterranean basin.
The SEACURE project will focus on demonstrating, scaling up, and replicating innovative solutions to systematically prevent and reduce nutrient pollution along the land-river-sea system in the Mediterranean basin. It will align with the innovation ecosystem framework established by ongoing Mediterranean Lighthouse projects like BlueMissionMed embracing the EU Mission’s impact-driven approach, with particular connections to 'Mission Ocean and Waters', as well as 'Mission a Soil Deal for Europe'. The project’s objectives are reducing soil pollution and enhancing its restoration, reducing fertilizers use and nutrient losses, and preventing, minimizing and remediating nutrients pollution in freshwater and marine ecosystems, in six territorial units (Mar Menor and Central Catalunya in Spain, Po delta and Esino river in Italy, and Axios river delta and Thessaly Plain in Greece). SEACURE is a project contributing to the European Union’s Missions “Restore our Ocean & Waters” and “A Soil Deal for Europe” and is funded under the call HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-SOIL-01-01.
Among many parallel activities, IRIDRA's main role will be the design, construction supervision and monitoring of an innovative treatment train for the municipal wastewater of Thessaly (Greece) combining NBS as treatmentwetland with algae production.
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