
SWAMP is a project under the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme of the 5th Framework Programme. SWAMP is a project under the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme of the 5th Framework Programme. The project aims at developing economically feasible and technically satisfying wastewater treatment for tourism facilities with seasonal fluctuation using an integrated approach comprising sustainable water management, constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and reclamation of the treated effluent.
It is intended to develop sustainable water management concepts and test them at 13 selected sites in four European countries: Italy, Austria, Germany and Latvia. This allows to run tests at different types of sites (camping sites, tourist farms, mountain shelters etc.) in different climate zones (Atlantic, continental, Mediterranean and mountainous). At these sites, pilot constructed wetlands shall be built to adjust the system to the special requirements of each tourism facilities. Tests on the pilot plants will be run and monitored to develop guidelines for the design, construction and operation of such plants in the future. The tests will also be used to check the hygienic efficiency of constructed wetlands. The design principles to be developed will take into consideration further disposal or reuse of the treated effluent, especially irrigation.
The results shall be compiled into design and operation guidelines, which will initially be prepared at the European level and then adapted for each participating country. Dissemination of the results is planned through the partner network and by an information campaign developed by SWAMP.
IRIDRA was one of the partners of SWAMP and had contributed with the design, the work supervision and the monitoring of the 4 Italian case studies. Moreover, IRIDRA had actively contributed to the international dissemination of SWAMP, analysing, and presenting the results from pilot systems, including the preparation of European guidelines.
" Segheria Abetina Reale" shelter, served by vertical flow constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment.
The 4 Italian case studies designed by IRIDRA
IRIDRA's publications in the Swamp project
IRIDRA's authors are highlighted in bold.
- Masi F., Martinuzzi N., Bresciani R., Giovannelli L. and Conte G., “Tolerance to hydraulic and organic load fluctuations in constructed wetlands”. Water Science & Technology, 56, 3, 39-48, 2007.
- Regelsberger M., Bahlo K., Conte G., Ebeling B., Masi F., Mitterer-Reichmann G., Platzer C., Regelsberger B., Urtane L., Wach G., “Guidelines for Sustainable Water Management in Tourism Facilities”, ISBN 3-901425-99-3, published by Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erneuerbare Energie Gmbh, Gleisdorf, 2005
- http://www.iridra.com/download/SWAMP_guidelines.pdf
- Regelsberger, M., Bahlo, K., Eglite, A., Wach, G., Masi, F., Reichmann- Mitterer, G., Gasiunas, V., Strusevicius, Z. "SWAMP project: obtained results in five countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia)". Proceedings of the 9th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Avignon (Francia), vol. 2, pp. 721-728, 2004.
- Masi, F., Conte, G., Lepri, L., Martellini, T., Del Bubba, M. "Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) and Pathogens removal in an Hybrid CW System for a Tourist Facility Wastewater Treatment and Reuse". Proceedings of the 9th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Avignon (Francia), vol. 2, pp. 461-468, 2004.
- Masi F., "Endokrin aktive Stoffe in Pflanzenkläranlagen". Erneuerbare Energie. Publikation der Arbeitsgemeinshaft Erneuerbare Energie. n 2, pp 14-16, 2004.
- Masi F., "SWAMP: a sustainable approach for water management and wastewater purification in tourism facilities", Conference Proceedings of the IWA Leading Edge Conference on "Sustainability in the water sector", Venice (IT), 68-70, 2002.