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AGREEMed (Innovative Aquifers Governance for Resilient Water Management and Sustainable Ecosystems in Stressed Mediterranean Agricultural Areas) is a Prima Program funded project that aims to improve the capacities of water actors in developing integrated aquifer management plans and demonstrating such development in strategic pilot areas (watersheds) in the Mediterranean region: Souss-Massa in Morocco, Hammamet in Tunisia, and Jordan Valley in Jordan

The project started in June 2022 and it is composed of a multidisciplinary team of ten partners from seven countries: Morocco (UMP6, UIZ), Spain (OBREAL/GLOBAL), Germany (TUB, DELTA), France (IAMM, SEMIDE), Tunisia (CERTE), Jordan (GJU), Italy ( IRIDRA). The project aims to optimize the use of natural resources to support resilient and sustainable agriculture in the Mediterranean region. Through innovative practices and advanced technologies, it helps farmers reduce their ecological footprint while increasing their productivity. AGREEMED is funded by the PRIMA program under the Climate Change Adaptation Mission, Grant Agreement No. 101112731.

IRIDRA will mainly contribute to WP7 by co-leading it and actively collaborating in the design, construction and operating NBS demos, as specialised and experiencied consultants in the sector.

More info about the project:

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