Sludge drying reed beds

Sludge drying reed beds (SDRBs) or Sludge Treatment Reed Beds (STRBs) is a constructed wetland solution used for the management of sludge coming from big activated sludge treatment plants. SDRBs are able to fully substitute conventional sludge lines, leading to economic advantages in terms of sludge treatment and allowing a safe reuse in agriculture of dried sludge. SDRBs can also be used for in-situ treatment of sludge coming from septic and Imhoff tanks.
Sludge drying - IRIDRA's solutions
Sludge drying reed bed (SDRB)
Worldwide experiences
Several sludge drying reed beds (SDRBs) were implemented in Denmark, Germany and France in last years. For insance, up to 150 are currently implemented in France, with an increase rate of 20 SDRB plants per year. More than 70% of WWTPs above 100,000 PE are nowadays equipped with SDRBs in Denmark.
Italian experience
The Water Utility Acque Spa has installed a couple of SDRB systems for small and medium size WWTPs (2,000-10,000 PE) in Tuscany Region, highlighting the advantages in terms of costs in comparison to conventional technological solutions (Giraldi et al., 2008, Ceccanti et al., 2010). IRIDRA has also designed a SDRB for the drying of sludge from a septic tank serving the winery of Casorzo (AT - Italy), which produce 30.000 qt of wine per year.
SDRB vS traditional centrifuge
SDRB examples
SDRB of Kolding (Denmark) for 125,000 PE and an extension of 3.3 ha (Source: Steen Nielsen, Orbicon)
SDRB of Kolding (Denmark) for 125,000 PE and an extension of 3.3 ha (Source: Steen Nielsen, Orbicon)
IRIDRA's projects

Zanzibar (Tanzania)
Design flow: 50-100 m3/d
Chosen Nature-based solution: SDRB
Year of realization: 2020

Sarra village, Nablus (Palestine)
Treated person equivalent : 4300 PE
Chosen Nature-based solution : SDRB
Peculiarity : In-situ treatment of sludge from septic tanks with consistent reduction of O&M cost. Project financed by the European Union
Year of realization : 2012-2013
Sarra village, Nablus (Palestine)
The two WWTP has been officially started in October 2014.

Casorzo Winery (AT - Italy)
Wine production : 30,000 ql. of produced wine per year
Chosen Nature-based solution : SDRB
Peculiarity : In-situ treatment of sludge from septic tanks with consistent reduction of O&M cost
Year of realization : 2004

Ordnance Factory, Nagpur (India)
Treated person equivalent : 1000 PE
Chosen Nature-based solution : SDRB
Peculiarity : In-situ treatment of sludge from anaerobic digester with consistent reduction of O&M cost. Plant realized under the European funded project NaWaTech
Year of realization : 2015