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P2GreeN (Closing the gap between fork and farm for circular nutrient flows) is a four-year EU project, with a consortium of 32 European partners (SMEs, NGOs, universities, research institutes, local governments and network partners). The project will develop, test and adapt the use of human sanitary waste to produce safe, bio-based fertilizers for agriculture.

Vast amounts of wastewater with a high nutrient content disappear daily into the sewers of large cities. On the other hand, agriculture, using conventional fertilizers, struggles to produce good yields in the fields to feed the growing world population. P2GreeN aims to develop and demonstrate viable and sustainable approaches to nutrient recovery from sanitary waste. Three P2GreeN pilot regions, Gotland (Sweden), the metropolitan region of Hamburg-Hannover (Germany) and the Axarquia region in Malaga (Spain), will develop and demonstrate the conversion of human sanitary waste into safe bio-based fertilizers in an innovative closed-loop system. Lessons learned will be shared with four P2GreeN successor regions, Hungary, Greece, France and Italy. The project received European Union funds under the Horizon 2020 call with grant agreement No. 101081883.

Project participation by IRIDRA will be mainly focused on the application of innovative technologies at national scale: the Italian regional cluster will bring two important replication options of P2GreeN solutions: (i) a big Italian company owner of about 150 highway fuel stations, interested in investigating potential market for products generated by urine segregation; (ii) a big cooperative farm in the South of Italy, interested in the use of both fertilizers recovered from urine and innovative fertigation schemes with treated wastewater.

More info about the project: https://p2green.eu/

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